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Volume 52 , Issue 3, (2023)


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The Exercise and Quality of Life is multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles of high standard on the relationship between exercise and the quality of life.


Professional paper

Frequency of depression in patients affected by subclinical and clinical hypothyroidism: A cross-section study

Introduction. Hypothyroidism can be accompanied by various neuropsychiatric manifestations ranging from mild depression and anxiety to psychosis. Objective. The study aimed to determine the presence of depression in patients with hypothyroidism (clinical and subclinical). Methods. The survey was conducted over twenty-four months, from 01. 07. 2017. to 01. 07. 2019., at the Health Center Krupa na Uni. The cross-sectional study included 160 persons, two groups of 80 persons each. The first group included those with newly diagnosed hypothyroidism, while the control group consisted of people with neat, thyroid function. In addition to the general questionnaire, the study used Beck's Depression Inventory and laboratory analyzes (enzymatic assays to determine thyroid stimulating hormone and thyroxine). The chi-square test was used in the statistical analysis. Results. The first group consisted of 62 (38.7%) subjects with subclinical hypothyroidism and 18 (11.3%) with clinical hypothyroidism, 51 (63.7%) women and 29 (36.3%) men with a mean age of 52±6.9 years. The control group consisted of 42 (52.5%) women and 38 (47.5%) men, with a mean age of 51±4.3 years. Mild depression was verified in 50 (31.2%), moderately severe in 43 (26.9%), and severe depression in 3 (1.9%). The study found the existence of statistically significantly moderate-severe depression in participants with subclinical hypothyroidism (p<0.05). Conclusion. The results of our study indicate a statistically significantly presence of moderately severe depression in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. Early detection and adequate therapeutic intervention of thyroid gland disorders in patients with depression. Our findings favor the need for early and routine screening for hypothyroidism and depression.

Marijana Jandrić-Kočić, Snežana Knežević


Professional paper

Anatomical variants of circle of Willis

Introduction: The circle of Willis is the major source of collateral blood flow between the carotid and vertebrobasilar system. Its potential depends on the presence and size of arteries that vary greatly among normal individuals and therefore their adequate observation by a radiologist is necessary. Aim: Determine the type of the circle of Willis and their frequency. Determine the type, frequency and localization of anatomical variants of arteries, as well as their average diameter. Compare these variables according to the age and gender of the examinees. Material and methods: A retrospective study was performed at the Center for Radiology of the Clinical Center Nis during 2017. All subjects underwent CT or MR angiography according to a standard endocranial protocol. The anterior and posterior parts of the circle were specially observed, with an emphasis on the presence or absence of anatomical variants of the arteries, with the measurement of their diameter. The obtained data were classified into variants of the front or rear part of the ring as well as the type of ring according to integrity. The frequency of these variables and their comparison by sex and age were measured. Results: The research included 92 examinees. According to the configuration of the Willis arterial ring, the adult type was the most often represented (71.7%). The most common type in terms of integrity was partially complete. The most common anatomical variants obtained in our work was aplasia of AcoA (27.2%) and aplasia of one or both PCoA (21%). PcoA hypoplasia was occured in women with a frequency of 13.5% while in men it was not present. Conclusion: Adequate understanding of the morphology of the circle of Willis by radiological methods is a good guide for neurosurgical and radiological intervention procedures. In this way, potentially significant neurological complications and the risk of morbidity and mortality could be reduced.

Aleksandra Milenković, Slađana Petrović, Simon Nikolić, Branislava Radović, Aleksandra Ilić, Miloš Gašić, Bojan Tomić


Professional paper


Bruxism is a parafunctional activity of the masticatory system, which is characterized by clenching or scraping of teeth. This condition is often accompanied by a change in the shape and size of the teeth, as well as the function of the stomatognathic system. Bruxism can occur during sleep and in the waking state. The etiology is multifactorial and all causes can be divided into peripheral and central. The clinical signs and symptoms of bruxism are primarily characterized by temporomandibular disorders, the appearance of bruxofacets and changes in the hard dental tissues, supporting apparatus of the teeth and masticatory muscles, as well as headaches. The diagnosis of bruxism is made on the basis of anamnesis and clinical signs and symptoms, while electromyography and polysomnographic analysis are used in scientific researches. Therapy is aimed at controlling etiological factors and reducing symptoms. Occlusal splints are the most commonly used in the treatment of bruxism. Medications are used in situations when other methods, including psychotherapy, do not give positive results. Given the multifactorial etiology, the therapeutic approach must be multidisciplinary. The approach to the patient must be individual in order to treat as effectively as possible.

Nadica Đorđević, Jelena Todić, Dragoslav Lazić, Meliha Šehalić, Ankica Mitić, Radivoje Radosavljević, Aleksandar Đorđević, Ljiljana Šubarić


Professional paper

Students' attitudes about the quality and effectiveness of online compared to traditional teaching of histology and embryology during the COVID-19 pandemic

INTRODUCTION: The corona virus desease has led to numerous changes in all aspects of our lives. The educational system through numerous innovative learning methods managed the smooth conduct of distance learning. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study is to examine the attitudes of medical and dental students about quality and effectiveness of online versus traditional teaching, in the course of Hystology and Embriology during the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: The research was conducted online, with the help of a questionnaire designed on the Google Forms platform. The cross-sectional study included second-year students of medicine and dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine in Priština -Kosovska Mitrovica, who during the 2020/21 academic year followed online and classical classes in the subject Histology and Embryology. The results were processed using descriptive statistical methods and appropriate tests for testing the hypothesis about the significance of the difference between two, three or more samples. RESULTS: Out of the total number of surveyed students (n=60), 95% of students attended traditional classes, 88.3% of students attended classes via Zoom platform, while 85% of respondents used Moodle platform. The highest percentage of very satisfied (38.3%) and satisfied (51.6%) students was with traditional teaching. The percentage of available lecturers during online classes is 73.3%, and 76.7% during tradicional teaching. 75% of students believe that tradicional teaching can not be replaced by online teaching method. 68% of students used the literature and available presentations on the Moodle platform to prepare for the exam. A significant correlation was found in the case of satisfaction with the grade and the achieved success in the exam (p=0,001). CONCLUSION: The results of our research show that students preferred traditional over online teaching, which makes traditional teaching a primary and irreplaceable form of education.

Teodora Jorgaćević, Slađana Savić, Jelena Tomašević, Erdin Mehmedi, Milica Perić, Sanja Gašić


Professional paper

Assessment of neutrophil-lymphocyte and platelet-lymphocyte ratio in patients with hashimoto's thyroiditis

INTRODUCTION: The ratio of neutrophils-lymphocytes (NLR) and platelet-lymphocytes (PLR) is a new parameter in the assessment of patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of NLR and PLR in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, subjects were subjected to tests of thyroid gland function, antithyroid antibodies, as well as laboratory analyzes of blood count with determination of NLR and PLR. The respondents were grouped into two groups. The first group was patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), while the second group consisted of healthy individuals who represented the control group. RESULTS: NLR was statistically significantly higher in patients with HT compared to the control group (2.62±0.8 and 2.43±0.8, respectively; p=0.02), while PLR was higher in people with HT compared to the control group, but without statistical significance significance (169±42.5; 159±40.3; p=0.08). Among the examined patients with HT, the group with hypothyroidism showed statistically higher NLR values compared to the group of patients with euthyroid status (2.7±0.9 ; 2.31±0.7 p=0.03). Among the examined patients with HT, the group with hypothyroidism showed statistically higher PLR values compared to the group of patients with euthyroid status, as well as the group with subclinical hypothyroidism (177.8±48.2; 148.3±39.3; 155.5±42.5 p=0.04). NLR and PLR show a statistically significant positive correlation with the level of TSH, Anti TPO and TG At in the group with HT. CONCLUSION: NLR and PLR can serve as practical and valuable markers of the clinical course of the disease, but also markers of autoimmune diseases that progress with chronic inflammation.

Sanja Gašić, Milica Perić, Tamara Matić, Teodora Jorgaćević, Slađana Ilić


Professional paper

The role of computerized tomographic angiography in the diagnosis of pathologically modified renal arteries

Introduction: The most common causes of renal artery disease are stenosis, as a consequence of atherosclerosis and fibromuscular dysplasia. Computed tomographic (CT) angiography is a non-invasive method, which enables visualization of vascular structures and walls of blood vessels, as well as morphology of the renal parenchyma. Objective: To determine the importance of CT angiography in detecting the cause and degree of renal arterial disease. Methods: A total of 45 patients were included in the cross-sectional study conducted from March 2017 to March 2019 in the KBC DR Dragiša Mišović-Dedinje, Belgrade, Serbia. Criteria for inclusion were suspicion of secondary arterial hypertension, patients in preparation for kidney transplantation and in the follow-up period after transplantation, as well as patients with suspected traumatic lesions. We analyzed the causes of the disease, the morphology of the blood vessel wall, the percentage of stenosis, and the renal parenchyma. Results: The most common causes of renal arterial disease are atherosclerosis, which was found in 33 (73%) patients, renal artery aneurysm was found in 5 (11%) subjects, fibromuscular dysplasia in 4 (8.9%) and trauma in 1 (2) , 3%) of the patient. There were 10 (22.2%) patients with a significant (average 80 ± 14.5%) degree of stenosis. The sensitivity of CT angiography in the detection of atherosclerotic changes in the renal arteries was 87.9%, while the sensitivity of CT angiography in the detection of fibromuscular dysplasia was 75%. A statistically significant correlation was found between atherosclerotic stenosis of the renal arteries and a positive CTA finding (p = 0.0002). Conclusion: CT angiography is an important method of visualization and quantification of pathological changes in the renal arteries.

Miloš Gašić, Sava Stajić, Ivan Bogosavljević, Milena Šaranović, Aleksandra Milenković, Sanja Gašić


Professional paper

Factors associated with involuntary hospitalization

In clinical practice, involuntary hospitalization in psychiatry is a procedure that patients with severe mental disorders are subject to due to the inability to make rational treatment decisions.. The prevalence of involuntary hospitalizations varies widely within and between countries. Involuntary admission to a hospital for psychiatric treatment can be life-saving and may be considered beneficial to some people in the long run. However, the experience of involuntary treatment can be traumatic, intimidating, stigmatizing, and lead to long-term avoidance of mental health services and an increased risk of rehospitalization. In this paper, we have considered the risk factors for involuntary hospitalizations and their frequency in the region and Europe.

Emilija Novaković, Ivana Stašević-Karličić, Mirjana Stojanović-Tasić, Tatjana Novaković, Jovana Milošević, Vladan Đorđević


Professional paper

Strategije suočavanja sa anksioznošću u situaciji testiranja engleskog jezika kod studenata visokog i niskog samopoštovanja

Introduction: Different types of tests present a great part of the academic life, and the tests themselves are extremely stressful situations for most students. The question of strategies used for coping with anxiety in testing situations is raised by the anxiety experienced by students and the levels of their self-esteem during tests. Aim of the paper: The aim of the paper is to take into consideration language anxiety, self-esteem and social and demographic variables as predictors of active use of strategies for coping with the testing situation. Material and methodology: This research included 338 students from five faculties/colleges, with an average age of 21.82±2.561, who were administered the following scales: Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale, the Coping with the Testing Situation Scale and Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale. Results: The Subscale for Language Anxiety during Testing has the highest reversed predictive value (beta=-0.43, p<0.001) of coping strategies for the testing situation; older respondents have less expressed ability of coping with the testing (beta=-0.23, p<0.001), and the higher the level of fear from negative evaluation (beta=0.21, p<0.001), the more the respondents are coping with the testing situation. Conclusion: The higher the testing anxiety, the less will the students use coping strategies, and the older students cope less with stressful testing situations, but the greater the presence of a more expressed fear of inefficiency, the more will the respondents cope with the testing situation through various strategies.

Marina Malobabić, Ivana Nešić, Vesna Jokanović


Professional paper

Extracranial carotid atherosclerosis in genesis infarction brain in the border zones supratentorial localization

Vekoslav Mitrović, Ramil Marić, Snežana Filipović-Danić, Novica Petrović

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