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Volume 52 , Issue 3, (2023)


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Vol 51, No 3-4 (2022)

Published: 01.01.2022.

Authors in this issue:

Aleksandar Jakovljević, Aleksandra Milenković, Bidhan Dolai, Bojana Kisić, Dalila Šačić, Danijela Vićentijević, Dijana Mirić, Dora Serenče, Dragana Pavlović, Dragana Puhalo-Sladoje, Dragiša Rašić, Ema Bexheti, Emilija Novaković, Gojko Igrutinović, Hajnalka Požar, Ilija Dragojević, Marko Stalević, Milan Milisavljević, Milica Milentijević, Milica Perić, Miloš Mijalković, Mirsad Šačić, Mirza Šačić, Mladen Kasalović, Nikola Miljković, Nikola Vukašinović, Sanja Gašić, Sava Stajić, Sladoje Puhalo, Tatjana Filipović, Tatjana Novaković, Teodora Jorgaćević, Tushar Khachane, Zdravko Vitošević,


Professional paper

Anatomical and morphological characteristics of the appendix in acute appendicitis

Introduction: Echosonography of the appendix is the primary method in the diagnostic algorithm of acute appendicitis, after clinical and laboratory examination. Non-invasiveness, availability and easy performance are the advantages of this method in detecting acute appendicitis. Aim: The research aimed to determine the morphological characteristics of the appendix, as well as to evaluate the role of echo sonography in the exploration and visualization of pathological changes in the appendix in acute appendicitis. Material and methods: The cross-sectional study included 59 people who underwent appendectomy and echosonographic examination of the abdomen and pelvis within the Department of Radiological Diagnostics of UHC "Dr Dragisa Misovic-Dedinje" in Belgrade. Results: In 48 out of a total of 59 people (81.4%), there were echosonographic signs of acute appendicitis, of which incompressibility of the wall was present in 40 people (83%), diameter of the appendix over 6mm in 38 (79%), wall thickness over 3mm in 45 (94%), target sign in 33 (69%), hypervascularization of the wall in 28 (58%), as well as the presence of fecoliths with nonhomogeneous content intraluminally in 15 (31.2%) persons. The sensitivity of echosonographic examination for obtaining positive results in persons with acute appendicitis was 86.5%. The specificity of the echosonographic examination to obtain negative results in persons who do not have acute inflammation of the appendix was 57.1%. The positive predictive value (PPV) was 93.7%. The negative predictive value (NPV) was 36.4%. The accuracy of the method was 83.1%. Conclusion: Based on the high sensitivity values of the tests tested in this cross-sectional study, we estimate that echosonographic examination has a primary role in the diagnostic algorithm of a person with suspected acute appendicitis.

Milica Perić, Sava Stajić, Tatjana Filipović, Sanja Gašić, Teodora Jorgaćević, Marko Stalević


Professional paper

Coronary sinus, microanatomical study

INTRODUCTION: Complete appreciation of the cardiac venous system requires an understanding of its embryological basis, its usual patterns of distribution, and its common variations. AIM: The aim of our study was to improve our understanding of the coronary sinus morphometrical and topographical anatomy. METHODS: The investigations were carried out on 25 human hearts (from 11 male and 14 female persons of mean age 59.5; range: 40 to 75 years). The classic anatomical technique of microdissection (using neurosurgical microinstruments) was performed under the stereoscopic microscope on 10 specimens injected with a 10% formaldehyde solution. The arteries and veins of an additional 15 hearts were injected with methylmethacrylate and immersed in a 40% solution of NaOH for corrosion. Following washing out and drying, the obtained vascular casts were examined and measured. RESULTS: Coronary sinus (CS) extends from the opening of the oblique vein of the left atrium into the great cardiac vein, to its empty orifice into the right atrium. The length of CS varied between 22.4 and 41.4 mm (mean 33.0 ± 6.1 mm). The diameter of CS at its beginning was 5.0 - 9.6 mm (mean 6.6 ± 1.3 mm), and its diameter at its atrial mouth varied from 6.6 - 12.0 mm (mean 8.4 ± 1.6 mm). The CS had varied relationships to the branches of the left or right coronary arteries. It extended superficial and above the artery in 16 (64%) hearts, and close superficial to the artery in 9 (36%) cases. Duplication of the superior vena cava associated with an aberrant left hepatic vein was found in one case. The persistent left superior vena cava, which drained into the right atrium via the enlarged coronary sinus, was formed by the persistence of the left anterior cardinal vein. CONCLUSION: Our study shows that the coronary sinus, created in an early stage of embryological development, is an important collecting vessel receiving the main veins of the heart.

Ema Bexheti, Emilija Novaković, Zdravko Vitošević, Milan Milisavljević


Professional paper

Analysis of the characteristics of traffic trauma

Introduction: It is estimated that an average of 1,308 people die in traffic accidents in the world every day. Traffic accidents are caused by factors of the road, vehicles and the human factor, which occur alone or in combination with other factors in over 90% of cases. Material and methods: The retrospective systematic research included all cases of traffic trauma that were brought to the admission surgical outpatient clinic in the Clinical Hospital Center Kosovska Mitrovica in the period from January 2020 to December 2022. Results: In the observed period, 126 patients were registered. The age of the respondents differs statistically according to gender (p=0.030), and the highest frequency is male (81.8%) in the working population (18-59 years). The age of the subjects showed no statistical association with the types of injuries in traffic trauma (p=0.151). Friday and Saturday are the days with the highest risk (25.3% of injuries), and Sunday is the day with the least number of injuries (3.6%). The lowest number of injuries was recorded from January to May (n=12, 9.5%), and the highest was in the period August to October (n=54, 42.9%). A male patient, 20 years old, an alcoholic, required urgent surgical treatment (splenectomy) due to abdominal injuries. Alcoholism and the age of the subjects did not show statistical significance (p=0.495), and 24.6% of patients had a diagnosis of alcoholism. The age of the subjects showed a statistical association with hospitalization (p=0.004), male gender and age between 18-59 years. Only 2 patients required transport to a highly specialized facility. The fatal outcome showed a statistically significant correlation with the age of the respondent (p=0.016), there was only one patient (between 12-18 hours), a female, 85 years old as a passenger of a motor vehicle. Conclusion: The results of our study indicate a statistically significantly more frequent injury and hospitalization of male patients, that Friday and Saturday are the days of greatest risk and that the fatal outcome occurs in extremely elderly patients. Our findings favour the need to raise public awareness through the media, public actions and forums.

Mladen Kasalović, Aleksandar Jakovljević, Nikola Miljković, Gojko Igrutinović, Milica Milentijević, Aleksandra Milenković


Professional paper

Understanding wedge resection research productivity with visualization: A scientometric attitude

This research paper presents a scientometric analysis of wedge resection research productivity. The study aims to evaluate the evolution and different types of literature on wedge resection, identify the principal countries, institutions, and sources that have contributed to publications on wedge resection, track the increase of literature on wedge resection citations each year, and determine the most frequently discussed topics in wedge resection research publications. To achieve these objectives, the study utilized a scientometric approach that involved a systematic analysis of existing research on wedge resection and productivity, with a focus on the application of scientometric methods. The results of the analysis provide a comprehensive examination of wedge resection productivity, which can be used to guide future research in the field. The study demonstrates the potential of scientometric methods in examining research output and productivity in various fields, including wedge resection. Overall, this research paper provides valuable insights into wedge resection productivity that can inform future research and decision-making in the field.

Tushar Khachane, Bidhan Dolai


Professional paper

Prevention of micronutrient deficiencies in the elderly

The ageing process is characterized by numerous changes in the body that negatively affect the health, lifestyle and diet of the elderly. An adequate and balanced diet plays a vital role in the quality of life of the elderly, including physical, mental and social health. Physiological decline in food intake in the elderly is a risk factor for certain micronutrient deficiencies such as osteoporosis, anaemia and decreased immunity. To prevent these public health diseases, it is suggested to promote the intake of foods of animal origin (offal, meat) to prevent iron and vitamin B group deficiency. An adequate intake of anthocyanidins, fruits and vegetables with blue-purple pigments is recommended for the prevention of anaemia. Adequate intake is also important, i.e. intake of at least two portions of dairy products per day and fish products per week in combination with physical activity can provide adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D for the prevention of osteoporosis. The intake of fresh or minimally processed foods has played a significant role in ensuring an adequate intake of vitamin C, which, in addition to improving iron absorption and preventing anaemia, also affects the proper functioning of the immune system. For the same reason, it is recommended to take vitamin A from offals or beta-carotene from yellow-brown and orange fruits and vegetables. In general, appropriate nutritional interventions can be effective and financially effective forms of preventing and treating micronutrient deficits, thus improving the overall quality of life of the elderly

Dora Serenče, Hajnalka Požar


Professional paper

Obesity and consequent changes in the body

Obesity is one of the most common chronic, non-infectious diseases in the world and our country, and it is characterized by excessive accumulation of fat tissue in the body and an increase in body weight. The increase in the number of obese people is an important global health problem. Obesity is associated with cardiometabolic and psychosocial comorbidities, and may also affect years of healthy life and reduce life expectancy. Numerous factors, such as biological predisposition, socioeconomic factors and environmental factors, interact and influence the development and maintenance of obesity. Excess adipose tissue in the body and its dysfunction is associated with inflammation and increased risk of metabolic, mechanical and mental complications. It is very important to monitor the incidence of obesity and its impact on the development of chronic non-communicable diseases and life expectancy due to the development and implementation of strategies to prevent the increase in the number of obese people.

Bojana Kisić, Dragana Puhalo-Sladoje, Dijana Mirić, Dragiša Rašić, Tatjana Novaković


Professional paper

Fructose metabolism: The pathogenic potential of a little molecule

In recent decades, the use of fructose in diet has increased worldwide, and coincided with increase of obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and non-alcoholic liver disease. This review presents molecular aspects of fructose metabolism, its characteristics and contemporary knowledge about control mechanisms in order to answer how this small molecule can exert pathogenic effects. When present in small, physiological amounts, fructose actually exerts protective glycoregulatory effects. However, long-term exposure to supraphysiological amounts of fructose creates conditions for the development of certain pathological states. In such conditions, lipogenesis is intensified causing dyslipidemia, gluconeogenesis is also intensified leading to hyperglycemia and compensatory hyperinsulinemia, while insulin signaling through IP3K/Akt is blocked. Moreover, exposure to high fructose levels can induce inflammation, redox balance disruption and a decline in energy synthesis. It is most likely that the ability of the liver to metabolize large amounts of fructose and the absence of autoregulatory and hormonal control mechanisms are responsible for pathogenic potential of fructose.

Dijana Mirić, Bojana Kisić, Dragana Pavlović, Ilija Dragojević, Sladoje Puhalo


Professional paper

Fournier 's gangrene: Literature review and case report

Fournier's gangrene is a progressive necrotizing bacterial dermo-hypodermitis of the perineum and external genitalia. It represents a secondary polymicrobial infection with an aerobic and anaerobic group of bacteria, which have a synergistic effect in the development of this disease. Fournier's gangrene is an urgent, potentially life-threatening, medical condition that requires a multimodal approach: surgical debridement of the necrotic tissue, resuscitation of the patient, and the application of a broad spectrum of antibiotic therapy. We present the case of a 45-year-old male, referred to our department due to pain and swelling of the perineal region and scrotum, in the initial stage of Fournier's gangrene. The patient was hospitalized, a surgical incision and drainage of the areas affected by gangrene were made, and he underwent surgical treatment of the wound and intensive suppurative therapy for 23 days. After 23 days of hospitalization, the patient was discharged for home treatment with prior suturing of the incisional wounds, with an orderly local status and good general condition. Timely incision, debridement and application of intensive therapy in a condition such as Fournier's gangrene is of crucial importance. In this way, the possibility of potential complications, the progression of local to systemic disease, as well as the percentage of fatal outcome, is reduced.

Aleksandar Jakovljević, Gojko Igrutinović, Nikola Miljković, Mladen Kasalović, Danijela Vićentijević


Professional paper

Cor triatriatum sinister as an incidental finding in elderly woman

Cor triatriatum is a rare condition. It comprises around 0.1% to 0.4% of all congenital heart malformations. There are two types of this anomaly: cor triatriatum sinister (CTS), which is more common and accounts for 92% of all cases, and cor triatriatum dexter (CTD). This condition usually presents at an early age and is diagnosed mainly during early childhood. In some patients, who have less severe cases of CTS, diagnosis could be made in adulthood. We report an unusual case of a 78-year-old woman who was diagnosed with CTS for the first time. The patient was admitted to the cardiology department with symptoms of chest pain and dyspnoea. Physical examination revealed diffusely diminished breath sounds, with focal wheezing, and irregular heart rate, with no murmurs, while blood pressure was 140/90 mmHg. A transthoracic echocardiogram revealed an accessory membrane in the left atria suggestive of CTS.

Dalila Šačić, Mirza Šačić, Mirsad Šačić


Professional paper

Case report of Parkinson's disease and orthostatic hypotension

Introduction: Parkinson's disease is an idiopathic, slow progressive neurodegenerative condition with the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra compacta of the midbrain. Due to cardiovascular dysautonomia and impaired baroreflex function in Parkinson's disease, the development of orthostatic hypotension is most common, along with increased blood pressure variability, supine hypertension, nocturnal hypertension, etc. Orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson's disease increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and the risk of overall, and cardiovascular mortality. Case report: Orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson's disease is associated with an increased risk of gait disturbances, loss of balance, falls resulting in injuries and limb fractures, and mortality. In this paper, we presented a patient who had previously been treated for arterial hypertension, with the current clinical presentation of symptomatic orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson's disease. After neurological evaluation and the implementation of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy for orthostatic hypotension, gradual improvement and stabilization of blood pressure values are achieved, along with a reduction in orthostatic hypotension symptoms and a decrease in subjective discomfort. Conclusion: In the presence of orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson's disease, in addition to pharmacological therapy, nonpharmacological treatment measures are very important for stabilizing blood pressure values and reducing the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension.

Miloš Mijalković, Nikola Vukašinović

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