Anatomical and morphological characteristics of the appendix in acute appendicitis

Milica Perić ,
Milica Perić
Sava Stajić ,
Sava Stajić

University Hospital Center Dr Dragiša Mišović , Belgrade , Serbia

Tatjana Filipović ,
Tatjana Filipović
Sanja Gašić ,
Sanja Gašić
Teodora Jorgaćević ,
Teodora Jorgaćević
Marko Stalević
Marko Stalević

Published: 01.12.2021.

Volume 51, Issue 3 (2022)

pp. 7-12;


Introduction: Echosonography of the appendix is the primary method in the diagnostic algorithm of acute appendicitis, after clinical and laboratory examination. Non-invasiveness, availability and easy performance are the advantages of this method in detecting acute appendicitis. Aim: The research aimed to determine the morphological characteristics of the appendix, as well as to evaluate the role of echo sonography in the exploration and visualization of pathological changes in the appendix in acute appendicitis. Material and methods: The cross-sectional study included 59 people who underwent appendectomy and echosonographic examination of the abdomen and pelvis within the Department of Radiological Diagnostics of UHC "Dr Dragisa Misovic-Dedinje" in Belgrade. Results: In 48 out of a total of 59 people (81.4%), there were echosonographic signs of acute appendicitis, of which incompressibility of the wall was present in 40 people (83%), diameter of the appendix over 6mm in 38 (79%), wall thickness over 3mm in 45 (94%), target sign in 33 (69%), hypervascularization of the wall in 28 (58%), as well as the presence of fecoliths with nonhomogeneous content intraluminally in 15 (31.2%) persons. The sensitivity of echosonographic examination for obtaining positive results in persons with acute appendicitis was 86.5%. The specificity of the echosonographic examination to obtain negative results in persons who do not have acute inflammation of the appendix was 57.1%. The positive predictive value (PPV) was 93.7%. The negative predictive value (NPV) was 36.4%. The accuracy of the method was 83.1%. Conclusion: Based on the high sensitivity values of the tests tested in this cross-sectional study, we estimate that echosonographic examination has a primary role in the diagnostic algorithm of a person with suspected acute appendicitis.


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