Aleksandra Ilić ,
Aleksandra Ilić

Institute of Preventive Medicine, Medical Faculty, University of Priština - Kosovska Mitrovica , Mitrovica , Kosovo

Dejan Denović
Dejan Denović

Department of Urology, KBC Kosovska Mitrovica , Kosovka Mitrovica

Published: 01.01.2019.

Volume 47, Issue 1 (2019)

pp. 1-8;


The most significant prostate diseases (PD) are benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
(PIN) and prostate cancer (PC). Generally, all PD are rare before the age of 50 with growing number of patients, primarily
with BHP, with each next decade, but about decade later the highest number of PIN and PC began to report. The aim of this
paper is to examine some of clinical, biochemical and histopathological characteristics of BPH, PIN and PC. Our sample
consisted of 169 men. Statisticaly the most common PD was BPH-77.5%, and the rarest PIN-8.3% (p<0.001). The average age of patients was 70.6±7.5 years (51-89) with no significant differences between diagnosis (p=0.415). PIN and PC are more often found in people from urban areas (p=0.004). In the central prostate area BPH is significantly higher in 88.5% (p<0.001). Peripheral parts are significantly more common places of PIN and PC (p<0.001). Median serum PSA values is statistically highest in PC-87.2 ng/ml (12.7-372.5), (p<0,001), especially those with predominantly peripheral parts localization. Gleason score is an important prognostic factor, with average value at PC is 7.32±1.4 (5-10), with a significantly higher values for diffuse PC. BPH is the most common, and PIN rarest PD. All diseases have occurred in people older than 50 years. Usually, BPH is in central and PIN and PC in peripheral prostate parts. PSA values were highest at PC, which is a prove of its importance in malignancy early detection.



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