S. Samardzić ,
S. Samardzić

Institute of Epidemiology, Medical faculty Priština , Priština

T. Simović ,
T. Simović

Institute of Public Health Kruševac Serbia

Z. Džordžević ,
Z. Džordžević

Institute of Epidemiology, Medical faculty Priština , Priština

Lj. Denić
Lj. Denić

Institute of Epidemiology, Medical faculty Priština , Priština

Published: 01.01.2003.

Volume 31, Issue 1 (2003)

pp. 93-95;


Nosocomial infectious (NI) are very big problem nowdays. The aim of this was to investigate the level of knowledge of medicial students of University Pristina about NI and to compare the knowledge level of preclinical with knowledge level of clinical students about NI. Cross-sectional study was conducte in May 2001. The instrument of survey was questionnaire with 28 questions wich were distributed to all third-year (preclinical) students and to all fifth-year (clinical) students and to all fifth-year (clinical) students at the Medical Faculty Pristina. The majority of third-year students (78,2%) and fifth-year students (91,1%) knew the definition of NI and their reservoirs (100.0%). The fifth-year students gave correct answers, statisticaly significant, more frequently (X} =4.62; df=1, p<0.05). The majority of students (89,1% of third-year and 96,4% of fifth-year students) knew that NI could be prevented, but only 14,5% of third-year and 25% of fifth-year students considered handwashing the basic measure for prevention, although there is no statisticaly significant difference between third-year students (X' =2.62; df=1, p>0.05). Around 98% students percepted the risk of NI for medical staff. Around 80% of students estimated that the aditional lectures about NI are needed during the studies. The fifth-year students more frequently showed higher level of knowledge about multidrug-resistant bacteria (X* =17.77; df=1, p<0.01).

Approximately 70% of third-year students gained knowledge about NI from sources other than lectures, but 75% of fifth-year students gained that knowledge from lectures in epydemiology. Additional information about NI, especially about univesal precution, is needen for medical students. Tt is very important to appropriately organise the studies with more practical work in prevention of NI. The emphasise should be put on health edecation in order to increase knowledge about NI, general hygienic measures encouraging handwashing and correct use proper dezinfectans in order to control the hospital environment.




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