S. Ristić-Vitaljić ,
S. Ristić-Vitaljić

Internal clinic, Medical faculty , Priština, Kosovska Mitrovica , Serbia

Lj. Smilić ,
Lj. Smilić

Internal clinic, Medical faculty , Priština, Kosovska Mitrovica , Serbia

Ž. Živić
Ž. Živić

Internal clinic, Medical faculty , Priština, Kosovska Mitrovica , Serbia

Published: 01.01.2003.

Volume 31, Issue 1 (2003)

pp. 7-10;


Beside great improvement in diagnostical ant therapeutic aproach in curement of brain tumors, gliomas still have
bad prognosis. Better results could be obtained only in early tumor discavery. Alpha pheto protein (AFP) and carcinoembrionic antigen (CEA) are markers specific for certain carcinomas (hepatocelular, nonseminated testicular, colorectal). Thieir specifity for gliomas still has not been stated. The aim of tis study was to determine tissue or sera levels of AFP, and CEAin experimentaly induced gliomas, and teir poential use in human gliomas diagnosis. For analyses , tissue supernatant homogenate C6 of rat glioma and sera were used during different phases of development (days 0,7,14,21 and 31). Tumor markers were also determened as well as in tissue of human brain tumors (two anaplastic astrocitomas an one glioblastoma). Techique applied was immunoenzyme type Mein method. Obtained results showed no signs of AFPeither in sera, or in rat brain tissue or human glioma tissue. CEA however, showed statisticlly, important specifity, for glioma tissue. During tumorgenesis tissue concentracion of CEA showed statisticly higher levels in comparasion with controls , starting from day 7, reachin peak of tumorgenesis on day 21, (p < 0.001). CEAwas not detectable in control animal group sera, and also during the period of tumor development. CEA concentracion obtained from animal brain were similar to those in human
brain tissue tumors. Further investigation need to be caried out, in order to determine the potential role of this marker in
diagnosis and treatment establishment course.



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