N. Šulović ,
N. Šulović

Department of Obstetrics and Ginecology CHC , Priština , Serbia

M. Dunjić ,
M. Dunjić

Department of Obstetrics and Ginecology CHC , Priština , Serbia

S. Stanišić
S. Stanišić

Department of Obstetrics and Ginecology CHC , Priština , Serbia

Published: 01.01.2002.

Volume 30, Issue 1 (2002)

pp. 85-87;



The aim of the work is to study the development of twin pregnancy after one of twins died in early pregnancy and
possible negative influence on clotting system of pregnant women. Observation is done on patient DM, 30 years old, and
housewife. She was observed from her first appearance at the department. Personal and family anamnesis was regular. She
had one delivery tree years ago with Cesarean section. In the first ultrasonographic examination we found twin pregnancy
with obvious heartbeats of both twins. After two weeks on control examination we find only one fetus, regularly developed,
and in a separate amniotic cavity a fetus without heart beat with small quantity of amniotic fluid in bizarre position. Patient
was immediately admitted in the hospital. Ultrasonographic examination, as well as a routine laboratory analyses were
repeated every ten days. After 28-th week of gestation we included a cardiotocographic (CTG) control every five days. In
38-th week the birth was finished by cesarean section (indication for operation - previous cesarean section). Afemale child
was born. After delivery, placenta was extracted with membranes, which contained a dead fetus, 12-cm length. After
recovery which lasted seven days patient was dismissed in good condition with healthy baby. An ultrasound examination
proved to be of great help in putting a diagnosis. It is very important to put diagnosis in time, because if we don't do it, we
will probably have a great and heavy complication.



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