S. Sekulić ,
S. Sekulić

Clinic of surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Priština - Kosovska Mitrovica , Mitrovica , Kosovo

R. Kosanović ,
R. Kosanović

Clinic of surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Priština - Kosovska Mitrovica , Mitrovica , Kosovo

B. Lazić ,
B. Lazić

Clinic of surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Priština - Kosovska Mitrovica , Mitrovica , Kosovo

V. Dobričanin
V. Dobričanin

Clinic of surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Priština - Kosovska Mitrovica , Mitrovica , Kosovo

Published: 01.01.2002.

Volume 30, Issue 1 (2002)

pp. 53-55;


Background: Ultrasonography(US) is a method in diagnosis of hepatobillious tracts. Due to the construction of
modern ultrasound facilities this method presents one of the most important method in this field due to the fact that it is:
uninvasive method, it does not procedure harmful biological effect; it does not demand contrastive means, there are no
counter indications known, and it does not provoke uneasiness to patient. Methods:200 patients were treated ultrasonographically at Surgical Clinic Faculty of Medicine in Pristina. Results: In 119(59,9%) cases calculus in gallbladder was localised ultrasonographically and in 131(65,5%) cases operativelly. Calculus was found in Hartmann's place in 60 (30%) cases ultrasonographycally and in 65(32,5%) cases operativelly. Calculus in d.cysticus was operativelly found in 4 (2,0%) cases and it was not found ultrasonographically. Solitary calculosis was found ultrasonographically in 52 (26,0%) cases and it was confirmed operativelly 47 (23,5%) cases.Multiple calculosis was diagnosed ultarsonographically in(148 74%) cases, and operativelly in 153(76,5%) cases. Anteroposterious radious of gall bladder was found ultrasonographically to be 3 or more then 5 cmm long in 109(54,5%) cases, and operativelly in 111(55,5%) cases. Gallbladder wall size higher than 3 mm was found US in 149(74,5%) cases,and operativelly in 137 (68,5%) cases. Choledocholithiasis was US diagnosed in 29 (53,7%) cases and operativelly in 54 cases. Gallbladder carcinom was US diagnosed in 5(2,5%), and operativelly found in 7 (3,5 %) cases, 6 (3,0%) gallbladder path carcinomes were not US diagnosed. Conclusion:Those results show that ultrasonography is a method of chois in gallbladder disseases treatment accuracy of the method equalls 89,5% on our clinical material.



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