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Volume 52, Issue 2, 2023

Online ISSN: 2560-3310

ISSN: 0350-8773

Volume 52 , Issue 2, (2023)

Published: 15.01.2025.

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Professional paper

Parents' knowledge about the effects of oral hygiene, proper nutrition and fluoride prophylaxis on oral health in early childhood

Introduction: Health education, as one of the important aspects of preventive dentistry, plays an important role in promoting good oral health. The aim of this study was to determine and define the influence of parents' knowledge about the effects of oral hygiene, proper nutrition and fluoride prophylaxis on oral heath in early childhood. Methods: The survey was conducted in four pedagogical-education institution on Kosovo and Metohia, Serbia. The study included 403 parents of children, aged between 3-6 years. Parents were asked to fill a questionnaire about oral hygiene, nutrition and fluoride prophylaxis. Results: Parents from urban (64.8%) and parents from rural (63.5%) areas were informed that the teeth should be brushed at least twice a day. Only 3.4% parents from urban and 3% parents from rural were informed how often should a child toothbrush be changed. Awareness about nutrition showed that parents from rural areas were better informed than parents from urban areas. Parents from urban (31.4%) and rural (31.7%) areas belived that tooth decay may be caused by prolonged breastfeeding. Awareness about fluoride prophylaxis in preventive and pediatric dentistry was poor. Conclusion: The study showed that parents knowledge about the impact of oral hygiene, nutrition and fluoride on the oral health in early childhood is not good.

Aleksandrija Đorđević, Jasna Pavlović, Brankica Martinović


Professional paper

Ebstejn's anomaly in patients perioperative period during a non-cardiac surgery operation

Introduction: Ebstein anomaly, a congenital heart defect characterized by a morphological and functional abnormality of the tricuspid valvula while moving the mouth of the tricuspid valvula towards the apex of the right chamber. Case report: A patient aged 39 years on the Department of Surgery was admitted under the image of an acute abdomen and the need for emergency surgical treatment. Routine preoperative preparation, laboratory treatment, examination of internist and examination of anesthesiologist on the part of the part was carried out. He has a history of occasional breathing problems during respiratory infection, a smoker. Clinical status, other than primary problems, is orderly. Operational treatment passed neatly, on the fourth postoperative day the patient complained of suffocation, lack of air and chest pain, translated into intensive care monitored (spo2 87% f about 110/min TA 90/60), blood gas analysis done and laboratory treatment (fibrinogen, D dimer) due to suspected pulmonary thromboembolia consulted cardiologist, dilation of the right atrium seen by ultrasound. Discussion: Non-cardiac surgeries in patients with pre-existing congenital heart defects are high-risk surgeries with increased mobility and mortality in the perioperative period. In accordance with the accompanying pathoanatomical and pathophysiological changes that define the congenital heart defect, a detailed plan must be made - anesthesiological management for each patient separately. Hemodynamic and respiratory stability with avoidance of hypoxia and paradoxical arrhythmias are the basic postulates in patients with Ebstein's anomaly.

Ljubiša Mirić, Tijana Smiljković, Vladan Perić, Slađana Mirić, Tjaša Ivošević


Professional paper

Diagnostic, prognostic and predictive parameters in prostate cancer

Prostate cancer (CP) is the most common malignancy in men in America, while it is the second most common in Europe. It is responsible for about 10% of cancer deaths in the same population. It is clinically manifested in various forms, from slow-growing to aggressive forms with pronounced metastatic potential. Diagnosis is made by a well-defined algorithm, which begins with the determination of serum prostate specific antigen values and ends with prostate biopsy as the "gold standard". Pathohistological diagnostic criterias are based on architectural, cytoplasmic, nuclear and characteristics of intraluminal structures, as well as periacinar cleftings, which are deffined as helpfull diagnostic criteria of undoubted importance. Prognostic and predictive parameters are classified into three categories. Some of them are an integral part of routine pathohistologicat report, while others are considered as the diagnostic process progresses. Modern knowledge introduces biomarkers into the everyday practice of personalized medicine, especially when is necessary to treat prostate cancer patients.

Milica Mijović, Vladica Nedeljković, Danica Vukićević, Nebojša Mitić, Branislav Đerković, Julijana Rašić, Vesna Premović


Professional reviews


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) significantly reduces quality of life and is one of the main causes of chronic morbidity and mortality worldwide. Acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) is a life-threatening condition that causes rapid deterioration of respiratory symptoms (worsening of dyspnea, cough and/or abundant sputum production) requiring urgent treatment. This review article examines the evidence underlying supplemental oxygen therapy and ventilator support during exacerbations of COPD. In the introduction, we discuss the epidemiology and pathophysiology of hypercapnic respiratory failure, and then we explain that the key to achieving appropriate levels of oxygenation is using controlled low-flow oxygen therapy. In patients with risk of hypercapnia a target oxygen saturation (SaO ) range of 88%–92% 2 is now generally accepted unless hypercapnia is disproved by gas analysis of arterial blood. However, if the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (PaCO ) is normal, oxygen therapy may target the usual saturation range of 94%–98%. 2 Many COPD patients may have a lower stable SaO , such that chasing this target (94%-98%) is not usually necessary unless 2 the patient is unwell. Further, we review current recommendations for ventilatory support in patients with AEHOBP. Noninvasive ventilation has assumed an important role in managing patients with acute respiratory failure. The use of invasive ventilation is the last remaining option, associated with a poor outcome.

S. Trpković, A. Pavlović, N. Videnović, O. Marinković, A. Sekulić


Original scientific paper


Introduction: Glaucoma diagnosis is based on consideration of several factors, such as increased intraocular pressure (IOP), damage to the optical disc, and associated visual field loss. Evaluation of the integrity of the corneal endothelium and monitoring of the corneal thickness is indispensable during the preoperative preparation for phacoemulsification. These data are of great importance for later treatment and monitoring of early and late postoperative complications.

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the central corneal thickness immediately before and after cataract surgery in patients with primary glaucoma (open and closed angle), comparing them with patients who do not have diagnosed glaucoma. Materials and methods: A prospective study covered a total of 159 subjects who performed cataract surgery by the method of phacoemulsification with the implantation of the intraocular lens in the posterior chamber at the Clinic for Eye Diseases at the Clinical Center of Serbia in Belgrade in 2017 and 2018. Pre-operative patients are classified into two groups. The first group with a primary glaucoma consisted of 71 respondents, with an open angle 41 with glaucoma, and a closed angle glaucoma 30. The second group consisted of people who did not have a diagnosed glaucoma, 88 of them. The central corneal thickness was measured using an ultrasound pachymeter. The measurements were made before the operation, 24 hours, 10 and 30 days after the operation, trying to get all done at the same time of day.

Results: Between patients without glaucoma (BG), primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and primary glaucoma of closed angle (PACG), there is a statistically significant difference in median age (χ2 = 10.102; DF = 2; p = 0, 006). Among the observed groups there were statistically significant differences in the values measured preoperatively (χ2 = 10.265; DF = 2; p = 0.006). Among the observed groups, there was no statistically significant difference in the values measured in the first postoperative day (χ2 = 4.364; DF = 2; p = 0.099), nor in the 10th postoperative day (χ2 = 3.250; DF = 2; p = 0.197); 30 days after surgery (χ2 = 1.427; DF = 2; p = 0.490). In each of the groups individually, the appearance of oedema or a very statistically significant difference in the first and tenth postoperative day. Statistically significant difference was present 30 days after surgery, but far less compared to early postoperative period.

Conclusion: Based on the values obtained in this prospective study, we estimate that monitoring of corneal thickness has a mandatory place in the observation of patients after cataract surgery. We found that there is no difference in preoperative measurement only between groups without glaucoma and open angle glaucoma. Measurements performed in the first, tenth, thirtieth day do not differ in groups, but edema restitutin in the 30-th day was observed in all observed groups. 

Ivan Bogosavljević, Ivan Marjanović, Miloš Gašić, Marija Božić, Vesna Marić, Jana Mirković, Mona Varga, Milena Šaranović, Miroslav Jeremić


Case Reports


Introduction: Primary mediastinal large B cell lymphoma is a rare highly aggressive form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and occurs in 5-7% of all diffuse large B lymphoma and 2% of all non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Originates from thymic medullary cells and has its own histogenesis. Typically affects young women in the third and fourth decade of life. Superior vena cava syndrome is present in more than 50% of cases, with swelling of face, hands, deep venous thrombosis, dyspnea, dysphagia, chest pain, headache and cough. Diagnosis is made by histopathological analysis and immunohistochemical surgical biopsy specimens obtained mediastinoscopy. Timely treatment with cycles of monoclonal antibody and chemotherapy is requirement to relapse and stable state.

Case outline: Patient, 37 years old, came for the first time for review at General practice because she has been repeatedly visited emergency service due to coughing, feeling that something is strangling, the lack of air pressure and pain in the head and swelling of face and neck. Started detailed diagnostics. Radiologically determined mediastinal tumor, computed tomography confirmed it and sent to the referral Institute where video-assisted thoracic surgery and patho histology diagnosed PMBCL CSII AM +. Administered six cycles of rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisolone therapy protocols submitted by the expected side effects. Control positron emission tomography found that the tumor mass completely withdrawn. In remission for two years, have a good feeling and occurs at regular checkups.

Conclusion: General practice has a big responsibility in recognizing early symptoms of malignant disease that accelerates
the diagnosis and timely start of treatment.

B.S. Knežević, Z.I. Gajović, M.N. Petrović


Professional paper

Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma

Uvod: Primarni medijastinalni B krupnoćelijski limfom je redak, visoko agresivan oblik non Hodgkinovog limfoma i javlja se u 5-7 % svih difuznih velikoćelijskih B limfoma i 2% svih non Hodgkinovih limfoma. Vodi poreklo od medularnih ćelija timusa i ima sopstvenu histogenezu. Tipično obolevaju mlade žene u trećoj i četvrtoj dekadi života. Sindrom gornje šuplje vene je prisutan u više od 50% slučajeva, sa otokom lica, ruku, dubokim venskim trombozama, dispnejom, disfagijom, bolom u grudima, glavoboljom i kašljem. Dijagnoza se postavlja patohistološkom i imunohistohemjskom analizom hirurškog bioptata dobijenog medijastinoskopijom. Blagovremena terapija ciklusima monoklonskih antitela i polihemioterapijom omogućava stabilan relaps bolesti. Prikaz bolesnika: Pacijentkinja, stara 37 godina, javlja se prvi put na pregled kod svog izabranog lekara jer je već u nekoliko navrata posećivala Službu hitne medicinske pomoći zbog kašlja, osećaja da je nešto davi, nedostatka vazduha, pritiska i bolova u glavi kao i otečenosti vrata i lica. Započeta detaljna dijagnostika. Radiološki utvrđen tumor medijastinuma, kompjuterizovana tomografija potvrdila i poslata na referentni Institut gde je videoasistiranom torakoskopskom hirurgijom i patohistološkom analizom dijagnostikovan PMBCL CSII AM+. Ordinirano šest ciklusa rituksimab, ciklofosfamid, doksorubicin, vinkristin i prednizolon terapijskog protokola koje je podnela sa očekivanim neželjenim dejstvima. Kontrolna pozitronska emisiona tomografija utvrdila da se tumorska masa u potpunosti povukla. U remisiji je dve godine, dobro se oseća i javlja se na redovne kontrolne preglede. Zaključak: Na izabranom lekaru je velika odgovornost u prepoznavanju ranih simptoma maligne bolesti što ubrzava postavljanje konačne dijagnoze i blagovremeni početak lečenja.

Snežana Knežević, Z.I. Gajović, M.N. Petrović


Professional paper

Serum Vitamin D analysis in acute viral bronchiolitis

Zorica Vujnović-Živković, Snežana Marković-Jovanović, Jovan Živković, Mirjana Čukalović, Tatjana Novaković, Dragana Stamatović, Jelena Krdzić, Jadranka Mitić, Radica Ristić, Aleksandra Ilić, Predrag Živković


Professional paper

Clinical-morphological characteristics of pathological changes in the prostate

Aleksandra Ilić, Dejan Denović

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