Professional paper
The impact of body weight on the secondary osification centers development and the term of closure of the anterior fontanelle in infants
Introduction: during the infant development, the organ growth is influenced by genetic factors, diet, hormones and many neuropeptides. The secondary ossification center in the hip joint begins to form around the 4th month of life. Primary dentition begins at the age of 5-6 months with the emergence of the central incisor in the maxilla. At birth, 6 fontanelles are present between the plate bones of the cranium. The largest is the anterior or large fontanelle. Objective of our research is to analyze the development of the secondary ossification center in the femoral head in relation to dentition and closure of the anterior fontanelle closure as well as influence of childrens' birth weight and current weight on these processes. Methodology: The study included 284 infants, male and female, aged 3 to 8 months. Clinical examination of the musculoskeletal system, anthropomentric measurements and ultrasonographic findings of the hip joint were performed at the Pediatric Clinic of the Clinical Hospital Center Pristina in Gracanica. Results: The development of secondary ossification centre correlated with child's age, dentition, anterior fontanelle closure, birth weight and delivery method, as well as actual body weight. Anterior fontanelle size was inversely related to age, body weight and secondary ossification. Conclusions: According to regression analysis, body weight is the only factor that has a direct and independent impact on the onset and progression of ossification process. Every additional kilogram of a child's body weight accelerates secondary ossification by 1.3-3.77 times.
Snežana Marković-Jovanović, Aleksandar Jovanović, Radojica Stolić, Milica Popović, Danijela Ivanović
Professional paper
Secondary hyperaldosteronism and hypertension
Introduction: Arterial hypertension is a major cardiovascular risk factor affecting about 10-40% of the adult population. Secondary endocrine hypertension most often results from excessive aldosterone secretion. Complications related to excessive aldosterone secretion include atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction, myocardial fibrosis, left ventricular hypertrophy, stroke, and increased cardiovascular mortality. Case report: This report presents a hypotensive woman with hypertensive reactions, newly diagnosed unilateral hyperplasia of the left adrenal gland and secondary hyperaldosteronism. Due to good blood pressure and normalized electrolyte status as a result of antihypertensive drug therapy and absence of damage to target organs, surgical treatment of unilateral adrenal hyperplasia was postponed. Conclusion: In case of midlife and late-life hypertension, it is necessary to consider a cause in the patient's endocrine system. AUTHORS SUMMARY SRPSKI 2021; 50 (1,2) 51-54
Miloš Mijalković, Slavica Pajović, Aleksandar Jovanović, Maja Šipić
Professional paper
Dijabetesna ketoacidoza kod bolesnika sa cerebrovaskularnim insultom - uzroci, mehanizmi, dijagnostika i naše smernice za terapiju
Although cerebrovascular disease may be a well recognised trigger for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), literature data on the precise mechanisms, characteristics, or treatment guidelines are rare. The risk of developing an ischemic stroke is doubled in adults with diabetes compared to people with normal glucose metabolism. It is important to point out that even children with DKA have a significantly increased risk of cerebrovascular insult and that they can have a stroke with a frequency of about 10%. Given the significant overlap of symptoms between these two diseases, it can be assumed that attributing DKA symptoms as a manifestation of stroke is not uncommon, especially in elderly and less communicative patients. In addition, pH, bicarbonate concentration, and anion gap are not routinely measured in all diabetics suffering from stroke, at least not in secondary health institutions.Children who develop cerebrovascular stroke during DKA often at the beginning have a preserved consciousness or only mild confusion or lethargy. After a few hours, with the institution of therapy, however, loss of consciousness may occur accompanied by signs of increased intracranial pressure. It was previously thought that the cause was too fast fluid replacement. Recent data suggest that reperfusion injury may be a more likely mechanism. Although most of these studies relate to younger individuals with ketoacidosis, it is clear that at least some of them may be operative in adult DKA. Literature therapeutic guidelines for adult diabetics with stroke-related diabetic ketoacidosis are almost lacking, although it is clear that they could not be the same as those utilised in population with normal glucose metabolism. In this paper, we have tried to define our treatment guidelines for these particular patients.
Aleksandar Jovanović, Vladan Perić, Snežana Marković-Jovanović, Tatjana Novaković, Slavica Pajović, Saša Sovtić, Srbislava Milinić
Professional paper
Uticaj porođajne mase i aktuelne težine deteta na nastanak prevremenog puberteta
Introduction: Puberty is a juvenile developmental period accompanied by intensive growth and acquisition of reproductive ability. The onset of puberty is influenced by many factors: genetics, neuropeptides and glycoproteins, gonadotropins, sex hormones and the child's nutrition status. Premature puberty is defined as the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in girls before the age of 8, and in boys before the age of 9. The aim of this paper is to analyze the published results on the importance and influence of factors such as birth weight, current weight and BMI on the development of premature puberty. Results: Eating disorders caused by eating high-calorie foods lead a child to obesity, which is accompanied by premature puberty. On the other hand, conditions characterized by reduced nutrition may be accompanied by delayed puberty. According to the results of this study, children with more pronounced manifestations of precocious puberty had a significantly lower birth weight Discussion: Birth weight of less than 2500g, as well as newborns' SGA (small for gestational age), are directly related to earlier pubertal maturation. Five decades ago, Frich et al. found that reaching a body weight of 48 kg in girls is a "critical mass" for development of menarche. Conclusion: The occurrence of secondary sexual characteristics is more frequent in children with increased body weight and correlates inversely with the child's birthweight.
Snežana Marković-Jovanović, Maja Ješić, Vlada Bojić, Aleksandar Jovanović, Zorica Živković, Andrijana Karanović, Vera Zdravković